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                                                                                        ~ JAMES HANSON.

Planting billions of trees around the world is the best way of taking CO2 out of the atmosphere and solve climate crisis. As they grow they absorb and store CO2 emissions that are driving global heating. IoT projects have gained immense popularity due to their ability to leverage the power of interconnected devices and data to create innovative solutions across various domains. An IoT platform is a software framework or infrastructure that enables the development, deployment, and management of IoT applications and devices. It provides the necessary tools, services, and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to connect, collect data from, and control IoT devices, as well as process and analyze the generated data. IoT projects involve integrating sensors, actuators, and communication technologies to enable the seamless exchange of data between physical devices and the internet. These projects range from simple DIY experiments to complex industrial applications, each offering unique opportunities to transform our lives and improve efficiency. Whether it's creating a smart home automation system, monitoring environmental conditions, optimizing energy usage, or developing intelligent transportation systems, applications of IoT open up a world of possibilities for innovation and connectivity. By harnessing the potential of IoT, we can build intelligent and interconnected systems that revolutionize industries, enhance daily life, and pave the way for a more efficient and sustainable future. In this project we will be using nodemcu as a controller and soil moisture sensor for the project.

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Analysis tells that 1.7 Bn hectares of treeless land on which 1.2 tn native tree sampling would naturally grow.Tropical areas could have 100% trees covered while others would be more sparsely covered, means on an average about half the are would be under tree canopy.

If every individual on this planet starts planting trees around his residence, climate crisis can be solved in easy way.

How about technology taking care of maintaining trees and watering it regularly. A simple project that shows how we can detect soil moisture and get results on our phone that is connected to that device over wifi.

Circuit diagram:




Most of the code is commented. Some of the important points to highlight

  1. In the code we need to change the gateway according to our network.

  2. Simple method - (For windows) 

    1. Open command prompt - type “ipconfig”

    2. Look for “default gateway”. A set of four numbers will be displayed. In my case its

    3. Note this “xxx” number, goto line in the code where “staticIP” is defined and replace the 3rd number  with this number you just found.   

    4. Ex: default gateway is 192. 169. 255 .1

So in my code  -

IPAddress staticIP (192, 168, 225, 81); //ESP static ip

IPAddress gateway (192, 168, 225, 1);

  1. Next step is changing SSID and password

    1. Replace  YOUR_SSID in this line - const char* ssid = "YOUR_SSID" with your wifi name.

    2. Replace YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD in the line const char* password = "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD"; with your wifi password.


  1. To test the project , open the android app “LINK HERE” , type IP address of the device and same gateway .

  2. Now type “CHECK_MOISTURE” keyword into send section and hit send.

In the receive section of the app you will be able to see the response from the arduino device.