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Java Database connectivity:

JDBC is not that difficult as it seem to. Following steps will guide you to set up a java database connection.
In the end a simple example will get you the clear idea of how this thing actually works.
Step 1: Firstly open "Data Sources".  Start -> Control panel ->Administrative tools -> Data Sources

Now you have to add data source that JDBC - ODBC bridge driver can open. To do so click add and the following dialog will appear.

Make sure you select Microsoft Access Driver driver as shown above and click finish.
In the next screen enter the name of data source name. This is the name you will be using in your java code to open your database, also enter description. Use select button to browse your MS access file that you have created.

Click ok .Your database will now be in the list of data source.

 Following is the sample java code that will help you to interface your database file.

import java.sql.*;
public class Temp{
   public static void main(String args[])
         Connection con; // Connection to database
                   //first tell java what driver to use
                  //Create a connection to your data source 
                  //Specify that you are using JDBC-ODBC bridge
                  //And specify the data source from ODBC 
                   con = driverManager.getConnection(jdbc:odbc:Temp);
                  //Create an SQL statement    
                   Statement stm = con.createStatement();
                  //Execute some SQL to create a table in your database
                  //If table already exists then an exception is thrown    
                   stm.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE COFFEES"+"COF_NAME                                                  VARCHAR"+"SUP_ID INTEGER"+"PRICE FLOAT"+"SALES                                                    INTEGER"+"TOTAL INTEGER");
       //Catch any exceptions that are thrown         
       catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
         catch(SQLException e)
Following is the expected output: