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                       Remote controlled home appliance



R1 : 220K

R2 : 330R

R3 : 1K

R4 : 330R

R5 : 47R


C1 : 100uF-16V

C2 : 100nF-63V

C3 : 470uF-16V


D1 : 1N4007

D2 : Red LED

D3 : Green LED


Q1 : BC558

Q2 : BC548

IR : TSOP1738

IC1 : CD4017

Relay: 5V DC


  • Here we have the simple circuit diagram of remote controlled home appliances.Connect this circuit to any of the appliances and you can turn them on or off.This circuit can be controlled using remote of any TV, VCR,DVD Player etc.The circuit can be activated from distance of 10 meters.
  • Circuit description: The 38 kHz infrared ray generated by the remote control are received by the IR receiver module TSOP1738 of the receiver.Pin 1 of TSOP1738 is connected to ground and output is taken from pin 3. This output signal is amplified by by Q1. Output signal is fed to clock pin 14 of decade counter ic 4017 (IC 1).D2 glows to indicate that appliance is "off".
  • The output of IC1 is taken from its pin 2. pin 2 is connected to D3 which indicates that appliance is on.Q2 connected to pin 2 of IC 1 drives relay.D1 acts as freewheeling diode.The appliance to be controlled is connected to pole of relay and neutral terminal of mains.It gets connected to live terminal of AC mains via normally opened (N / O) contact when relay energizes. If you want to operate DC 12 v then use regulated DC 12 v power supply and remember that circuit voltage should exceed more than 5 volts.
  • Remote controlled fans, lights.
  • Automatic breakfast maker/ coffee maker.
  • Home automation.