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Showing posts from January, 2014

DJ LIGHTS - Simplest DJ lights

TITLE DJ LIGHTS specially for home parties. CIRCUIT: Figure: 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 COMPONENTS: Figure 1: 12v Battery  ON / OFF switch Resistor:  1R  0.5 watt 100k     x 3 Capacitors: 100u Figure 2: Resistor:  100k    x 3 Transistor:  BD 689 Capacitor: 100u Switch:  On / OFF 12v Battery Figure 3: Resistors: R1 - 33K R2 - 220R R3 - 100K R4 - 100R R5 - 2k2 Capacitor: 100 u 22 u 2200u Transistor: BC 547 Battery: 9v LED: White colour IC 555 x 2 DESCRIPTION: Make your home parties more special. Above given circuits are for different effects in lights. If you want fade ON and fade OFF then go for figure 1 In figure 2 you can also connect series of LEDs. If you want up/down fading LEDs then go for figure 3. You can even use combination of all these circuits to make your party more like a DJ party.ENJOY APPLICATIONS: DJ setup at home for DJ parties. Light effects at homes during fun


TITLE:                        Remote controlled home appliance CIRCUIT: COMPONENTS: Resistors: R1 : 220K R2 : 330R R3 : 1K R4 : 330R R5 : 47R Capacitors: C1 : 100uF-16V C2 : 100nF-63V C3 : 470uF-16V Diodes: D1 : 1N4007 D2 : Red LED D3 : Green LED Transistors: Q1 : BC558 Q2 : BC548 IR : TSOP1738 IC1 : CD4017 Relay: 5V DC DESCRIPTION: Here we have the simple circuit diagram of remote controlled home appliances.Connect this circuit to any of the appliances and you can turn them on or off.This circuit can be controlled using remote of any TV, VCR,DVD Player etc.The circuit can be activated from distance of 10 meters. Circuit description: The 38 kHz infrared ray generated by the remote control are received by the IR receiver module TSOP1738 of the receiver.Pin 1 of TSOP1738 is connected to ground and output is taken from pin 3. This output signal is amplified by by Q1. Output signal is fed to clock pin 14 of decade counter ic 4017


TITLE:           DRIVE A RELAY USING IC 555 CIRCUIT: COMPONENTS: IC 555                           x 1 12v battery                   x 1 Diode 1N4004              x 1 Relay  12v                      x 1 Resistor  220k               x 1   DESCRIPTION: This is the simple circuit to drive a relay.When pins 2 and 6 are connected as an input the chip requires only about 1 uA to activate the output. In figure A output will be opposite to that of input.Figure B has output same as input i.e for logic high input high output is obtained. Important thing to be noted that input should be 2-3 V for output to be low and 1-3 V for output to be high.This is called HYSTERESIS and prevents any noise on any input. APPLICATIONS: This can be used to drive devices via any microcontrollers.


TITLE: Simple circuit to activate devices on clap. CIRCUIT: COMPONENTS : Transistor: BC 547       x 3 Resistor :                     33 K              x 2                     1 M             x 1                     5 k               x 1                     270 R          x 2                    47 K            x 2   Capacitor:                    10 uF           x 2                     1 uF             x 2                               100 uF         x 1    Electret mic   :                 x 1 LED's            :                  x 2 Diodes : 1N4148            x 2 6 V Battery DESCRIPTION: This is the simple clap switch circuit which toggles LED's whenever a clap or tap or a short whistle is detected.The second 10u capacitor is charged via the 56k and 33k resistors.When the sound is detected then negative excursion of waveform takes the positive end of the waveform towards 0 volts rail.         The negative end of 10 uF w


Simple example to understand how pointer works Syntax: Datatype *pointer_name; Example: #include <stdio.h>   int main () {    int  var = 20;    // actual variable declaration     int  *ip;        // pointer variable declaration      ip = &var;  // store address of var in pointer variable      printf("Address of var variable: %x\n", &var   );       /* address stored in pointer variable */     printf("Address stored in ip variable: %x\n", ip );       /* access the value using the pointer */     printf("Value of *ip variable: %d\n", *ip );      return 0; } Output: Address of var variable: bffd8b3c Address stored in ip variable: bffd8b3c Value of *ip variable: 20 Description: This topic seems little bit difficult but its very simple. Key point to remember in pointers Declaring a pointer:                                              datatype *pointer_name; Initialize a pointer :                    


This example describes how to use array in c language. Syntax:      Declaration: Datatype array_name [size];      Initialization: array_name[size]; Example: #include <stdio.h> int main () {    int n[ 10 ];   // n is an array of 10 integers     int i,j;     for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )    {       n[ i ] = i + 100;   //  set element at location i to i + 100     }           for (j = 0; j < 10; j++ )    {       printf("Element[%d] = %d\n", j, n[j] ); //Print each array element on console    }      return 0; } Description: In this example we first simply declare an array for 10 elements, initialize it using for loop, and print all the elements on console. Line 4: This line declares an array of 10 elements.   Line 5: Declares variable Line 6 to 9: Initializes array from 100 to 109 values, Line 10 to 13 :Prints value of this array. Here " %d " is used because array is of datatype "int".                    


Title:  Touch plate based door bell  Circuit:  Components: IC 555 Resistors: 1 M, 100k, 330 ohms Transistor: BC547  PN2222A Capacitor: 10n 1 Copper plate : as touch plate. A 6v battery An LED / Ic UM66 Description: This is the simple circuit for touch plate based security system. In this project what basically done is, circuit detects stray voltages produced by mains voltage and electrostatic built  up in the room.If sufficient static voltage is detected by the plate then chip will charge up. Transistor BC 547 or PN2222A is used basically to increase the sensitivity.In place of led just connect IC um 66(melody IC). Applications: In homes, of course. This can be specially used in places like hospitals, when patients need to call doctor by himself.


Title:  Touch plate based door bell  Circuit:  Components: IC 555 Resistors: 1 M, 100k, 330 ohms Transistor: BC547  PN2222A Capacitor: 10n 1 Copper plate : as touch plate. A 6v battery An LED. Description: This is the simple circuit for touch plate based security system. In this project what basically done is, circuit detects stray voltages produced by mains voltage and electrostatic built  up in the room.If sufficient static voltage is detected by the plate then chip will charge up. Transistor BC 547 or PN2222A is used basically to increase the sensitivity. Applications: In places like museum where precious metal objects are kept. In homes, banks, hotels etc